
NEWS U.S.A/Canada
06 / 25 / 2020

How Can You Raise an Emotionally Intelligent Child?

     Every parent has a responsibility in ensuring their child enhances their daily knowledge and intelligence. While academic intelligence is crucial in a child’s development, it is not the only type of intelligence parents should focus on. Emotional Intelligence is defined as the ability to process and exhibit emotions while understanding the feelings of another. Wondering how you can raise your child to be emotionally and academically intelligent? Check out our tips on “How You Can Raise an Emotionally Intelligent Child below!” 


​• Acknowledge your own emotions. For parents to understand how their child may be feeling, it’s important to understand their own. Don’t be afraid to express your own feelings in front of your kids. Hiding your emotions may give your child the impression that it is acceptable to do so since “mom or dad do it.”
•​ Understand where your child is coming from. Whether you agree or disagree with how your child may handle a situation, make sure you validate your child’s feelings. This can be as simple as asking him or her why they are upset. Provide a listening ear and be there as an ally. Getting upset or impatient will shorten his or her fuse and may instill unhealthy coping habits.
• ​Teach positive coping habits and problem-solving skills.  For example, if your child is visibly upset have him or her do breathing exercises or write in a journal. If the issue is something your child can handle on their own, provide space and reinforce positive messaging. If the issue is larger, sit down with your child and another trusted adult to help resolve the issue.
​• Help your child put a label to their emotions. This is extremely important as it helps give your child’s emotions a meaning or better, a label.  For example, if your child is throwing a tantrum over spilled juice, use phrases like “You’re upset you spilled your apple juice. Want to tell me how that makes you feel?” Applying labels and positive verbiage will allow your child to put a word to their feelings, calm down and learn how to self soothe.
• ​Have your child pay attention to every-day scenarios. Have your older children examine how their siblings and friends respond to a scenario. This will allow your children to see how others respond in select scenarios and provide you the opportunity to teach them about the link between positive and negative emotions.


      Incorporating these tips will allow your child to understand the link between behavior and emotions. Complete academic and emotional intelligence can help ensure your child is a well rounded student. With your guidance and support, the relationship between you and your child can strengthen.