
NEWS U.S.A/Canada
11 / 25 / 2019

November is Child Safety and Protection Month


Did you know November is Child Safety and Protection Month? This month was established to help raise awareness about the potential danger’s children encounter every day. Always remember safety starts at home. Let’s look at ways we can keep our children from harm’s way, at home first.


Home Safety Tips:

Infants are prone to putting everything in their mouth, such as buttons, coins or other small objects. With elementary school children, they may also play with sharper figures so It’s important to make sure the floors are swept clean of such objects.            


 1.    Be sure to keep things out of their reach. Keeping items at arm’s length will ensure they won’t be putting themselves at risk while you may be doing a household chore.

2.     Purchase items with child-proof lids and cases.

3.    Secure table corners and cover electrical outlets.

4.     Install a smoke alarm, carbon monoxide detector and be prepared for emergencies


   Whether it be summer or winter, kids love playing outside! It’s important to keep safety precautions in mind if your children are swimming     

   or playing sports. Keeping these tips in mind will ensure your child’s safety and provide you a peace of mind.


Outdoor Safety Tips:

1.    If your child is using roller skates, riding a scooter or bicycle, ensure they wear helmets and knee pads to prevent them from getting hurt.

2.    Always make sure your children have outside supervision and are never alone by themselves.

3.    Supervise outdoor play areas and make sure there are no broken toys, shards of glass, rocks or trash nearby.

4.    Make sure the playground is fenced all around the designated area. This especially applies if your home is near an intersection or busy street.


Be sure to review these safety tips with your family and friends. You may also feel free to print out this resource and additional safety checklists or tips to keep your family informed. Use these resources to create a safety plan with your loved ones. It takes a village to raise a child, and by doing so you will create a safe environment for children in your community!